Although cosmetics are used widely in the United States, they have their share of harmful side effects. For instance, makeup brushes, sponges, and fingers can soak up bacteria. Heat and light can also degrade preservatives. Eye kajal can contain large amounts of lead and is not FDA-controlled as a cosmetic supplement. Although the FDA does not check the ingredients in cosmetics, they do test exterior colors.
Moreover, cosmetics contain chemicals that are harmful to human health. Parabens, for example, are preservatives in cosmetics. Among their harmful effects are irritation, blemishes, and blotches. Salicylate is another common chemical in cosmetics, and it causes hives and painful rashes. So, if you’re looking for a new lipstick or skin cream, make sure it’s free of parabens before buying it.
Some products are derived from petroleum and have a therapeutic effect. However, the FDA does not recognize products with a dual purpose. Although some cosmetics may not be fully tasted, there’s little evidence that they cause an increase in cancer risk. Further research needs to be conducted to determine whether cosmetics are safe. However, the following list provides a brief overview of what cosmetics contain. There is more to cosmetics than meets the eye.
As long as cosmetics are safe, their use in the world has lasted for 7,000 years. Even the Ancients have used them. In 840 BC, the goddess Jezebel painted her eyelids with kohl. In the thirteenth century, Italian women wore red lipstick to show class. Throughout the Middle Ages, cosmetics continued to be used for face make-up, including rougeing the cheeks. However, attitudes to cosmetics varied greatly throughout the centuries.